Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Covid-19 update: Rheumatological conditions, COPD, GP workload prioritisation
In our new weekly podcast, Kieran Walsh, clinical director at BMJ, asks editors from BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning to summarise how clinical guidance is changing in response to covid-19. Abigail Davis discuss the latest advice on rheumatological conditions, and that on prescribing contraception. Emma Scott covers new guidance for managing COPD in the community, and also for the use of nebulisers. And Suchita Shah talks about RCGP and BMA advice on prioritising GP workload. For more, please see: BMJ Best Practice's topic on management of coexisting conditions in the context of COVID-19: bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/3000190 BMJ Learning module on prescribing contraception in primary care; learning.bmj.com/learning/module-intro/ask-an-expert-contraception.html?moduleId=10055243 NICE COVID-19 rapid guideline: rheumatological autoimmune, inflammatory and metabolic bone disorders: nice.org.uk/guidance/ng167 American College of Rheumatology COVID-19 Clinical guidelines: rheumatology.org/Announcements#ClinicalGuidance British Society for Rheumatology COVID-19 guidance for rheumatologists: rheumatology.org.uk/News-Policy/Details/Covid19-Coronavirus-update-members Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare COVID-19 resources: fsrh.org/fsrh-and-covid-19-resources-and-information-for-srh/ American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists COVID-19 resources: acog.org/en/Topics/COVID-19 NICE COVID-19 rapid guideline: community-based care of patients with COPD: www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng168 BTS COVID-19: information for the respiratory community: brit-thoracic.org.uk/about-us/covid-19-information-for-the-respiratory-community GOLD Covid-19 guidance: goldcopd.org/gold-covid-19-guidance RCGP GP workload prioritisation guideline: rcgp.org.uk/covid-19/latest-covid-19-guidance-in-your-area.aspx -
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