Monday Jul 15, 2024
Pre eclampsia
Pre eclampsia
Pre-eclampsia is common. It has been reported to affect between 2% and 8% of all pregnancies worldwide. And complications are common as well - from eclampsia to fetal growth restriction to pulmonary oedema. So it is important that we get the diagnosis and management of this condition right. To find out more about this problem and what we can do about it, please do listen to his podcast interview with Emeritus Professor James Walker of the University of Leeds. Please note: Remember to do a FBC, U&E, and LFTs in affected patients. Competing interests: JJW is Honorary President of the Baby Lifeline Training Company and Honorary Medical Director of Action on Pre-eclampsia. He lectures and teaches on pre-eclampsia and maternal safety both nationally and internationally, and is the author of national and local reports into safety investigations for the Healthcare Services Investigation Branch and national and local bodies as Clinical Director.